Award Winning Author Vasyl Shklair is touring the U.S and visited Ukrainian Community in Western New York, stopped at Ukrainian Cultural Center Dnipro and Ukrainian American Civic Center in Blackrock on Friday, September 2nd, 2011 to speak at a scheduled Lecture Events to discuss his award winning literary work "Chornyj Voron".
At a recent award ceremony, Vasyl Shkliar gave Ukrainian President Yanukovych the \"screw you\" signal upon Yanukovych\'s personal presentation of the literary award to Shkliar, including a quarter million dollar cash prize. Shkliar\'s refusal of the award was in protest of Yanukovych\'s political policies. Shkliar specifically despises the anti-Ukrainian culture policies of current Minister of Education Dmytro Tabachnyk. Vasyl Shkliar spent the last twenty years browsing through archives, traveling to Kholodny Yar, communicating with witnesses of that time, and writing his novel Black Raven, whose characters are versatile and unformatted. Shkliar is called a radical and prides himself in calling things by their proper names. Ukrainians are are just starting to recall the events in Kholodny Yar of the 1920's. Black Raven is the first fiction novel about these events. It encourages people to begin learning about the history of early 20th century Ukraine and the documented inaccuracies plus irreparable mistakes tied to it.

Reader’s Thoughts on “The Revolutionary Holocaust -Live Free…or Die\" a TV News Special Report , which aired on Fox News, January 22, 1010.

Michael Nolder says, "This was a great special from Glen Beck. A real eye opener. We have politicians here in the US that are glorifying Mao. T-shirts that glorify Che and I am willing to bet that you may be the only one here that knew anything about Holodomor. Real true History is not being taught in our schools anymore. We do not read the constitution or Bill of Rights in our schools anymore. I would say that there are those that would have us ignorant to our past and what our country was founded on. I would futher argue that this is how you can have a Holodomor (Murder by starvation) in the US at some future time. As the men in this special all seemed to echo in one way or another: Some people must die to further the greater good. We have to wake up before it is too late.\"

Zanna Vaida states, "I never had a chance to meet my grandparents on my father\'s side. They were starved to death during The Holodomor. My father survived as an orphan."

Naomi Uman Presents Selections from Ukrainian Time Machine,  February 28th, Hallwalls hosted a visit by former HARP (Hallwalls Artists-in-Residence Project) experimental documentary film artist, Naomi Uman, who is visiting the United States from the Ukraine. After her 2005 Hallwalls residency, Uman (who for years has divided her time between California and Mexico City) decided to make the reverse journey that her great-grandparents took in 1906, moving to Ukraine to ', ' experience life as an immigrant might. She knew no one, and did not speak the language, but soon found herself immersed in the culture--the rhythms of labor and leisure--living outside the town of her ancestors. For her presentation at Hallwalls, Ms. Uman presented three bilingual 16mm films produced in Ukraine that are part of a larger series of films, THE UKRAINIAN TIME MACHINE, which combine... personal, experimental and non-fiction approaches to capturing life in the small village where people live as they would 100 years ago. Ms. Uman\'s award winning films are a delight to the senses, and present worlds filled with texture and the lyricism of poetic documentary. This screening was a rare opportunity to see her work and to engage with the artist in person.
The screening tooke place in the Hallwalls Cinematheque, located in the basement of Babeville - the former church located at the corner of Tupper and Delaware Ave in downtown Buffalo.

Kalendar (11 minutes, color, silent, sixteen millimeter film, 2008)
This ten minute, silent, color film which depicts the meaning of the months of the year in the Ukrainian language. Each month is presented and followed with a title card which gives the name of the month in Ukrainian Cyrillic, the meaning of that name in italics and the name of the month in English. This film speaks to the concept of language acquisition as you are presented the word for the month, but you are not given a transliteration. If you are unable to read the letters, you can not know how the word will sound. This film, in its silence, represents the door that can be opened when a language is learned, but that remains closed until that time.

Unnamed Film (55 minutes, color, 16 millimeter film, 2008)
This project is the result of the filmmaker\'s attempt to investigate issues of immigration by becoming an immigrant herself. Naomi Uman returned to the land her great grandparents left in 1906. She moved to Ukraine, without speaking the language or knowing anyone. She moved near the city of Uman, to a small rural village where people live as they did 100 years ago.

On This Day (5 minutes, color, sound, 16 millimeter film, 2008)
This film tells the true story of one day in the life of the filmmaker, presenting quick and joyful sketches of a wedding.

A former private chef to Gloria Vanderbilt, Malcolm Forbes, and Calvin Klein, Uman long ago traded in her egg-beater and oven mitts for a 16mm bolex. A visual artist, she works in a variety of media and formats. Her work addresses themes of work, geography, immigration, language and love. Her award-winning films have screened widely at major international festivals as well as The Guggenheim Museum, The Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Museo de Art Moderno in Mexico City. Milking & Scratching: Handmade Films by Naomi Uman, a collection of five early works, was released on DVD in 2006 by Peripheral Produce. She has worked in the United States, Mexico and is now living in Ukraine where, accompanied by her small dog, continues making films, planting vegetables and flowers and making paintings of animals. She continues to make films with her little Chihuahua, Tattoo, on her lap.

Десятки українців прийшли на зустріч з pедакторoм газети Шлях Перемоги - Віктором Рогом в середу, 4-го листопада, 2009 р. в Український Дім “Дніпро”. Пан Віктор пояснив політичну ситуацію на Україні, свої погляди на майбутнє, розказав за працю яку проводять на Україні щоб сприяти національному відродженню. Пана Віктора слова - \"Ми є велика нація, нам є чим пишатися, нам є що боронити. І давайте лише уявимо, якби в один дійсно прекрасний день всі, в чиїх жилах тече українська кров, відчули її гаряче пульсування, глибоко себе національно ідентифікували саме як українці, усвідомили свою національну окремішність і національну місію, які гори були би перевернуті, які досягнення здобуто, які перспективи відкрились би перед нами всіма і перед кожним із нас.\" Інтервю для Націоналістичного Порталу

  • Рог Віктор Олександрович народився 21 травня 1970 року в селі Погожа Криниця на Роменщині (Сумська область) в селянській родині.
  • З 1990 року – голова Спілки Української Молоді “Сумщина”, редактор газети «Гроно».
  • Учасник студентського голодування в жовтні 1990 року в Києві.
  • В 1993 році закінчив Сумський педагогічний інститут ім. А. С. Макаренка за фахом “історія і педагогіка”.
  • Організатор і учасник багатьох патріотичних акцій і заходів у всіх регіонах України та за її межами.
  • Автор ряду публіцистичних та теоретичних статей і наукових публікацій в українській та закордонній пресі.
  • В 1994 році обраний головою Сумської обласної організації Конгресу Українських Націоналістів.
  • Депутат Молодіжного Парламенту України, в молодіжному Уряді – міністр освіти та науки (1998-2000 рр.).
  • Автор книг “Не даймо загубити майбутнє” (Київ, 1999р., 2000р.), «Молодь і алізм» (Київ, 2003 р.), «Життя для України» (Київ, 2004), «Українофобія: п’ята колона та її ляльководи» (Київ, 2008 р., 2009р.).
  • Координатор Всеукраїнського комітету захисту студентських прав, один з ініціаторів та організаторів Акцій студентської солідарності 1998-1999рр.
  • Віце-президент Історичного Клубу “Холодний Яр”.
  • 10 лютого 2001 року на Установчому Зборі в Києві обраний Головою Молодіжного Націоналістичного Конгресу (1998 -2002).
  • Редактор газети «Шлях Перемоги».
  • Заступник директора Центру Національного Відродження імені Степана Бандери.

Friday, December 11 there was a meeting and presentation at DNIPRO by Roman Chyczij from Toronto regarding,“Volunteer Observers for the Ukrainian Presidential Elections on January 17, 2010”. Roman Chyczij is a member of CUF’s organizing committee for the upcoming presidential elections in Ukraine (Jan 2010). He was a Chief Observer from Canada, during the Orange Revolution in 2004 and and a long time International Observer in Ukraine,
including his role as Chief Observer in the 2007 Parliamentary Elections. Organizing committee have decided to mount a large international observer mission to help avoid the type of election fraud that occurred during the 2004 presidential elections – prelude to the Orange Revolution. They are seeking additional participation from Americans and Canadians interested to volunteer as International Observers for the upcoming presidential elections. Click Here for more information.

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\"Link\" Babushka - Natural Medicine
Natural Medicine recommended by people.

\"Link\" Translation
Translate from and to ukrainian

\"Link\" President Yushchenko Site
Ukrainian President Yushchenko\'s Site

\"Link\" Львівська Газета
Новини у Львові, у Львівській Області та на Україні

\"Link\" Ukrainian Recipes

\"Link\" Зелена Картка - 2011
Інструкції щодо проведення лотереї з
розіграшу диверсифікаційних віз на 2011 рік
(ДВ-2011), подавати до 30 Листопада, 2009

\"Link\" Український Центр
Форум, бібліотека, галерея

\"Link\" ДУДА
Міжнародний інститут освіти, культури
та зв\'язків з діаспорою

\"Link\" Дрогобич

\"Link\" Дрогобич


Home of Ukrainians in USA!

\"Link\" Green Card Lottery 2011
Deadline November 30, 2009

\"Link\" The Ukrainian Weekly Ukrainian American Newspaper

\"Link\" Ukrainian Consulate in Chicago

Ukrainians in Canada

\"Link\" ЗУСТРІЧ
Товариство допомоги іммігрантам у Монреалі

Забава — це веселе проведення часу дорослих і дітей, коли їм весело, коли їм добре разом. Ідеєю “Української Забави - Запустів” – створити відповідне середовище для українців, що в Баффало і поза його межами, для продовження та передачі їм української культури, традиції Української Церкви а передовсім щирого до них ставлення.

5 Березня 2011 ввечері у залі церкви Св. Івана Хрестителя відбулася гарна забава. Повечерявши смачну вечерю, приготовлену панею Марією Ганупсяк, парафіяни церкви та гості з Баффало та Рочестеру танцювали до ночі під чудову українську музику. Деякі з них пішли додому з не тільки з веселим настроєм, але і з несподіваними призами, які розігрували лотареєю, включаючи товстер і лептоп компютер. Надіємося що ця забава розпочне щорічну традицію - Запустів у Баффало.

Alexander (Lesyk) Hajduczok returned to the University of Rochester this Fall for his junior year after spending 15 weeks in Germany this summer researching protein biochemistry. Lesyk was awarded a full scholarship to be a Research Intern in Science and Engineering (RISE) from the German government (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service). This is a competitive scholarship normally awarded to highly qualified and motivated junior and senior college students. The competition is open to non-German citizens throughout the world. After a 2 week orientation at the Did Deutsch Institut München (Munich), Lesyk spent the rest of the summer at the Universität Halle (Saale) Institut für Biotechnologie, about 100 miles southwest of Berlin. His research project entitled, \"Conformational changes during membrane interaction of GCAP-2,\" focused on investigating the interaction of a calcium sensor protein (GCAP-2) with its target, a membrane-bound guanylyl cylclase of photoreceptor outer segments in the retina. Lesyk is currently a triple major in biochemistry, economics and chemistry at the University of Rochester. Family, friends and Ukrainian Community of Buffalo are so proud of his accomplishments.
Congratulations Lesyk!

URGENT - Action Items

Upcoming Events - #SupportUkraine

Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine
Гуманітарна Допомога

 The Ukrainian American Freedom Foundation (UAFF) is an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit charity. UAFF has partnered with the PayPal Giving Fund to accept online donations to provide Humanitarian and Medical Aid to War Victims in Ukraine. 

Donate with PayPal Giving Fund

Or you can mail donation with check payable to: "Ukrainian American Freedom Foundation" or simply "UAFF", 562 Genesee St. Buffalo, NY 14204 USA. In the check memo section write "Humanitarian Fund" - Questions: (716) 847-1281

Click HERE to download, print and share a PDF flyer for donations 

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to her heroes! Слава Україні! Слава Героям! 

Ukraine needs YOUR Help

We must fight the war against Russian lies and disinformation.

Click the links below for sample letters, addresses, phone numbers and emails:  

  1. US President and White House
  2. US Senator Charles Schumer
  3. US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
  4. US Congressman Brian Higgins
  5. US Congressman Chris Jacobs
  6. Local and National Media

Click here for samples and details.

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